Brian has a new car that he’s getting used to, so today I went with him to this lovely part of Ryedale where he had a Sunday morning service. While he preached I mooched around with my camera.
The church of St Mary’s caught my attention as I left the chapel car park. I thought it was no longer in use and probably locked up but I was pleased to discover it open. It’s got an amazing history of course which I read about in the flyer but what caught my attention was the fact there are no gravestones – due to the steep, rocky nature of its location.

The village has some lovely cottages though I’m guessing they must be quite dark inside.

And then of course there’s the Abbey. I wasn’t tempted to visit today as I didn’t have long but I was intrigued by the visitor centre exterior.

I liked the banded look of the green, black and orange here: