I was delighted when neighbour Anne agreed to have her portrait taken. I don’t know her really well and she appears quite shy but she arrived at the pre-arranged time and I must say we had a brilliant chat about all sorts of interesting topics whilst I clicked away.

Anne said she didn’t like photographs of herself smiling but as we had quite a laugh while she was here I’ve had to discount a few!

Amongst her many creative skills she enjoys writing poetry so I suggested we collaborate on a small Blurb (what else) zine with her poems and some of my photographs, including these and others that might work with the poems. Just a copy each for Anne and I – a joint creation without any wider expectation of readership or interest.

Since this post was orginally written we have indeed created a small book of Anne’s poems with a couple of portraits and other images that sit alongside her poems. A small order of a dozen copies are being printed and will be given to family and friends.