Sunset walk

For a change we’d had a lovely day so around four I headed off for a walk, the big loop. It was quite chilly but, with some amazing clouds, I thought there might be a good sunset. By the time I’d got half way around the sky was beginning to turn red. What a sunset it turned out to be! Accompanied by a barn owl flying up and down the hedgerows – you can see it in the image above – the only disruptive element was the regular sound of a shot gun. Probably a local gamekeeper enjoying their entertainment at the cost of a few pigeons.

The heavy and continuous rain we’ve been having provided lots of interesting reflection possibilities too.

Long shadows
Gorgeous light at Rachel and Carole’s hare field
First glimmer of the sunset
The full moon made an appearance too

The sunset had slipped away by the time I got to Manor Vale but still bright thanks to the full moon.

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