I don’t think I have ever been to this small fishing port, which is just 45 minutes drive from home, but I’ll certainly visit Staithes again. I was alerted to go by an article about the best places to take photographs in North Yorkshire and as yesterday was perfect, bright late afternoon sunshine and dark shadows, I headed to the seaside.
The car park is at the top of the village. Only residents are allowed to take their vehicles down the steep road that families were struggling to push buggies up after a day on the beach. As you drop down the lovely character of the village emerges with cobble streets, houses perched on precipitous cliff sides and bobbing boats in the harbour. A few people were about – sat outside the pubs, window shopping galleries and enjoying the beach.
A personal resolution is to become braver and seek out more opportunities for street portraits and I immediately spotted an interesting looking gentleman and took the plunge – he kindly agreed:

I took a quick photo and then we started talking. He loved sunsets and clouds and showed me some lovely photos he’d taken on his phone. A retired roofer, he had always taken photos from the rooftops of houses he’d been working on but had never done anything with them. We talked Instagram and I took the opportunity to give him one of my newly printed cards but then his lift arrived. I had wanted to take more but the chat was great and, who knows, we may meet again.
I explored the streets and looked for some interesting light. I’ve still got more to learn about getting the right exposure, especially when there’s a low sun, so wasn’t happy with my results but this pub shot turned out to be a happy accident with the seagull sat in the light.

I had to crop it a bit and some of the focus is lost so the lesson, as always with me, is ‘get in closer!’
I then walked the beach along the harbour walls. I was frustrated by missing a couple of fishermen in wellies who got off their boat and walked back to the village, I was too far behind them to grab anything.
It is a lovely spot though.

I spotted this gentleman sat on a bench

Composition not great as his head is dissected by a rail but I plucked up courage and asked if he’d mind me taking his photo.

He was great and told me all about his working life including time as a fisherman. Again I got more involved talking and not taking photographs but managed three this time before I felt I was imposing too much – I liked this one best.
I headed up from the beach and back into the village, two dogs caught my eye. They were intent on their owners giving them tit bits from the pub supper they were having. I got the exposure all wrong though so this is the only semi decent one I got (after a bit of editing).

I left the main street and climbed up the steep paths where cute cottages reminded me of those you find in European hillside villages. A woman smoking outside her house turned out to be my final portrait of the day.

Again she kindly agreed, despite me spoiling her reflective moment, and I was on my way.
A couple of roof top images to finish.

I’m going to finish this post with one of Sean Tucker’s videos which I did watch a while ago but after messing up quite a few exposures yesterday know I need to go back to and refresh my understanding of this particular challenge. As always he also offers a lesson for life which makes his videos so special. Do visit Staithes if you’re in the area.