Today I headed off to this little church just south of Helmsley, another that is on the newly created St Aelred’s Pilgrim Trail.
I must have driven past this church hundreds of times over the years, probably more, but today was my first visit. There isn’t much parking as the narrow road snakes down through the village but I managed to pull up on a small verge and walked back.
This is write up from the Helmsley Parish website:
It was built in the 1640s – but not here! Originally the chapel of West Newton Grange, which stood a mile or so away, and by the mid 19th century in use as a barn! it was moved here and rebuilt stone by stone in 1879 to serve the people of Sproxton. The architects then, George Gilbert Scott Jnr and Temple Moore, kept the 17th century feel, with its unusual square shape (nave and chancel as one), reredos with plaster triptych and little gallery.
First I got a few shots of the exterior:

I then headed inside. What a beautiful little church. The light wasn’t that interesting for wider interior shots so focussed on some detail shots.

Organ pipes:

A bonus of my visit today was a chance meeting with one of the volunteer cleaners who was very welcoming and friendly. Her mother was the last parishioner berfore the church ceased having services – she now goes to Helmsley. Thanks to the team of volunteers the church is both clean and tidy, and open every day. It’s well worth a visit – if you haven’t been don’t leave it as long as I did.