This evening I went on a beautiful dusk walk up to the woods above Sinnington, Ryedale, North Yorkshire.

A stony track just past the church takes you up to the woodlands which extend almost as far as the village of Cropton. You follow a path along the field edge with the woodland to your left for quite a while and then, when you feel like looping back, just drop down one of the many steep paths down to the River Severn, turn left and return to the village.
At this time of the year there are wild daffoldils, wood anemones and violets in full bloom. Soon the white flowers of dogs mercury and the already strong smelling wild garlic will be out.
I wasn’t over excited with my images of the woodland trees but here’s a hazel coppice,

but happier with these silhouettes as the sun disappeared below the horizon (spot the moon).
It was a fabulous walk and seeing two deer and a barn owl just capped it all off. Certainly recommended it, especially at this time of the year.