Yes another, it doesn’t seem to have stopped raining since the New Year. The fields are sodden and walks always involve wading through puddles – the farmers are in despair!
So an afternoon inside – chores done (well most …) so I grabbed some lights and fading blooms to have a play.

I think the reason I came up with taking some photos of flowers was because I’d added Imogen Cunningham to my list of Photography Greats (see menus). I have a book of hers so am familiar with her work but when I added a link I was reminded of her beautiful botanical black and whites.

We had some roses and lillies just beginning to fade so perfect timing to capture them – I like that slight tinge of decay!

I experimented with different coloured video lights – this one had a red filter shining on it.

I also added an old piece of glass in front which had fallen out of one of the boxes holding the stuffed birds that are currently residing with me. I like the aged look it gives and the framing. An enjoyable hour or so.