For quite some time I’ve wanted to make a portrait of Mick, he passes our house fairly frequently and my wife knows him from chapel. He has a fairly stern look about him so it took me a while to pluck up courage but seeing my wife one day chatting to him as she was returning home, I trotted down to them and asked. Yes, he said, that would be fine.
A couple of days later he came to the house. We chatted and got on with the photos. I knew he was a retired farmer so had an old pitch fork handy as a prop. He was great and in no time I’d got quite a few shots done.

Shame I didn’t quite get the focus right on the one above.

I printed a couple off, got them mounted and took them around to him. ‘Look a bit grumpy’ he said. ‘Do you like them?’ I asked. ‘I do’ he said. A small thank you gift for being my model.