Covid isolation

I’ve been isolating for the last ten days, probably caught after doing a school workshop, but have still managed to get some jobs done.

  1. All the foam backed prints for the March 26th exhibition have been ordered, paid for by the grant we received from the apple project.
  2. The article for the March edition of Handy Mag has been written and signed off. Neither Michael or Bob wanted to be on the front cover but Albert agreed.
  3. I found some old IKEA frames and mounted the three trial portraits in my office. Decided to go with foam prints in the end but these three look ok – image above.
  4. Updated pigeon project magazine – just about done, awaiting images from the NYMR railway and short account. Plus image or two from school assembly visit this week.
  5. Wrote exhibition caption cards for the images
  6. Wrote up idea for next documentary project – more on this later.
  7. Tidied up my hard drive and various sd cards so everything pretty much in order.
  8. Did two Blurb magazines for elderly friend Maggie using her photographs stored on old computer.
  9. Created a 2021 small photo book – half black and white, half colour of my ‘best’ images of last year – inspired by Sean Tucker’s Collections. About 60 images – probably should have gone for larger format than 7x7inch but only cost £18 – we’ll see, only for my eyes.
  10. Tidied office and cleaned screens.

And that’s it – slept quite a lot too! Looking forward to gettng back to normal.

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