Another post based on Pat Kay’s Visual Patterns – this time Leading Lines.
Here’s his video:
I must admit I’m not terribly excited about this one – perhaps because they are a bit obvious. Scrolling Instagram there are so many shadowy figures in narrow beams of light between city buildings – Pat gives this as an example – just a bit bored seeing them.
The challenge is nevertheless a good one, especially in a rural area – and I found it hard on my walk this afternoon.
There are plenty of winding paths and fences that lead the eye into the distance:

But they don’t lead to a subject, as Pat suggests they need to – just more fields or a wood.
This might just pass muster:

But hardly earth shattering.
These two pipes lead the eye to the front door – I just needed it open with a grizzled farmer smoking a pipe to make it interesting:

This broken branch is a good leading line but it only points to another tree!

I had a quick look at my archive to see if I’d any better examples:

Ahh – that’s more like it! I didn’t recognise it as leading lines then but of course I do now!

Kings Cross – urban areas are so much easier than rural for leading lines!
I’ll keep working on it!