Alex Kilbee

I recommend Alex Kilbee

Over recent months I’ve been enjoying watching the Photographic Eye videos created by Alex Kilbee so I thought I’d highlight him on my blog.

I find his content quite varied but all very stimulating. He doesn’t talk gear at all but instead focuses on providing content that helps with developing a better understanding of photography as an art form. He profiles the greats, provides history lessons and usefully reflects on key issues such as social media.

Essentially he gets us to think a little deeper about this subject many of us our passionate about but also struggle with at times (all the time…).

I particularly liked his latest video which touches on what makes certain photographs resonate with us and how, when we have a better understanding of that, it will help us to develop our own style. I can see from the comments many others have found this particular video stimulating so I going to embed it here just in case anyone comes across my blog and may too find it helpful.

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