Decided to head out to Gormire Lake yesterday afternoon. I’d driven past, located as it is at the bottom of Sutton Bank, several times in recent weeks and thought it would be good to revisit. As usual there was a cold wind, despite being sunny, and it was good to start dropping the steep and muddy path towards the lake.

I remember my son trying to climb this erratic rock when he was a little lad.

Bit creative – this is the top of the rock contrasted with the trees just behind it.

This fallen silver birch was close by – it looked strangely anthromorphic but maybe that’s just me!

Sadly dead trees are everywhere. Ash die back has taken it’s toll but a positive message on a display board says dying trees are home for wildlife and the woods will recover.

Down to the water. Wanting to avoid vista type shots and find something a bit more abstract.

Like the sparseness of this one.

What a crazy tree this is.

I like the muscular trunk that runs horizontally but pretty dull image overall.

This any better? Not really.

I’ve more to edit but not sure any have great merit. I’ll probably leave it there. I do struggle with landscapes not wanting to do pure, highly detailed, pin sharp images. Certainly aiming for something more abstract but not getting it at the moment.
Time to tread the steps back up to the car park.