I often watch a YouTube photography-related video whilst eating breakfast and this morning it was another by Alex Kilbee, the Photographic Eye:
So heading off for a walk into the murky countryside – grey, misty and cold, I must have had thoughts of black and white photography lodged in my own grey matter!
Once I’d headed up onto hillier ground away from the town it became quite foggy and visually quite colourless, so I changed my filter to hard monotone and started taking photographs.

As I left the more arable flat fields and entered the woods I became of aware of others around me. At first, having seen a lot of hares dashing around, I wondered if there was some illegal activity going on but it transpired it was just a bunch of beaters driving pheasant. I dropped down into Douthwaite Dale which I hadn’t been to in a long while and was delighted to see the landscape transformed by mist and low cloud.

The gamekeepers passed me at one point – I do find it hard to understand the pleasure people take in this ‘sport’ – I can see the point of hunting and consuming what you kill, but this slaughter of grain fed pheasant, which must be incredibly easy to shoot, is beyond my understanding. It was also a horrible audible backdrop whilst photographing this beautiful scenery.

And just a couple more misty shots taken as I plodded homeward.