Or as it should be called Gormire Lake. A natural lowland lake at the foot of Whitestone Cliff near Sutton Bank has no inflow or major outflow and is thought to be fed by an underground spring. The name Gormire translates as filthy swamp which is far from the truth and I recently read braver folks than me regularly take to its waters.
Though the car park was quite busy we probably only saw half a dozen people on our walk so perfect environment to enjoy the peace and tranquility of this beautiful place.

I completely over-exposed this but happy with the effect.

Again, over-exposed but the tops of the reeds and the water are elements I like.

The black negative space of the woodland on the far side of the lake contrasts with the water and then the foreground mix of water and plants – three layers.

There were plenty of eye catching fly agaric on view.

A more traditional view of the lake.

Nessie relocated?