York street scene

A photowalk in York

I had a free morning so made the 40 minute drive south to York, our nearest metropolis!

It was quite buzzing when I got there with lots of restaurants offering tables in the streets so there was a continental feel to the place, even though the weather was distinctly chilly. I had no particular plan in mind which I know isn’t ideal but I guess ‘just be braver, get in closer’ was something I’m now aiming for.

I started off down by the river, moved off in the direction of the railway station and then focussed on the centre of town. Here’s a selection and as you’ll see dogs feature quite a lot!

This couple and their hungry pooch were sat on one of the benches by the river.

Not very successful attempts at looking up and down.

Three street portraits of very nice gentleman who were happy for me to take their photographs.

I am finding it much easier to ask people now though, I’m just reflecting as I type this, it’s mostly blokes I ask so I better remedy that next time I’m out.

A very humourous dog and it’s owner next:

I then came across some giant letters spelling YORK near the cathedral and thought I’d have a go framing some of the people sat on the green:

Heading back to the car I passed by the famous Bile Beans sign and a woman with amazing hair provided an interesting foreground:

I’ve posted some of these on my Instagram and kept them in colour. Nick Turpin’s thoughts on colour v black and white must have struck a bit of a chord.

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