Yesterday was one of those days when the fog didn’t lift at all. Needing to pop across to see Gwen and Edward I decided I’d walk through what we know as Hagg Wood, then on to Kirkdale, before circling back to Starfitt Farm and home.
It’s been quite a few years since I’d been in the wood, it used to be a favourite place to take the labs, and it hasn’t changed. I was aware from gun fire there was some pheasant shooting going on but I didn’t come across them until I neared the end. I typically grunted at them in my pathetic way of showing displeasure at their sport and grabbed a quick shot of them as I walked away.

The water was surprisingly low at the ford.

There were a few dog walkers in the field beyond St Gregory’s which looked amazing in the soft light on this misty afternoon.

I’ve learnt a bit more about ‘exposing for the highlights’ so getting the exposure right for the brightest element. ie. today it was the sky and then, when editing, bringing up the shadows. It has made these all a bit darker so maybe I haven’t got the balance right yet but continuing to learn every day.

Always up for trying something a bit abstract: